Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I do know that it's been a little while since Project X has been out. It might of been a month I've seen it, a lot of people say it's the best movie they've seen in their life ; I can't say that much. Thought, I have to admit it was a pretty good film and that I really enjoyed it. What did you guys think about it ?

I really enjoyed the soundtracks, which were more 'hardcore' than what we hear usually in movies (maybe something that created Project X's success). Anyways, so yeah here are my favorite Project X Soundtracks (tell me about yours ;) ) :

1. My favorite, with no hesitation is Heads Will Roll By Yeah Yeah Yeahs (a bit cliché?). I've already posted it earlier, so I won't post it again (so the page is easier to load and doesn't bugg) - but I'll link it so you don't need to search it (am I not too nice ? ;D ).

2. Then I think that Free Falling by the Bangerz was pretty awsome.

3. Coming Next, I think that Intro by The XX, was really good too (maybe as good as the Free Falling, or even better. Btw, this isn't a ranking - though I've tried, I've FAILED. Anyways could you do a ranking of your songs from the one you like best to the one you dislike most ? I couldn't - that's maybe because I've got more than 4000 songs).

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